Islamic question

I have been in a relationship with a Muslim man for 3 years. I have always been very interested in the religion and have many friends who are Muslim. My partner is not what you would say.. ‘practicing’ eg. Doesn’t pray everyday, he drinks some alcohol etc. So there has not been pressure on our relationship religion wise... I have no religion but believe In a higher power and Islam has always spoke to me. Recently I have been researching and studying and have subconsciously began to make small changes to my life without even really realising eg. Dressing more modestly, not drinking alcohol. I am going to fast next week also. I even caught myself saying ‘inshallah’ in my mind when thinking about my journey home from a trip and the chores I needed to do when I got home!!

My parents are very accepting people however I do not think they would approve of me converting/reverting to Islam should I decide I wish to after I have continued to study and learn more about the faith. So here is my question - in Islam it is haram to disrespect ones parents, so if they were not pleased for me to become Muslim, would this be disrespecting them without their approval?

This is all very early days yet but I am so interested in Islam and these questions continue to pop up as I further my studies. Thank you so much for your help ❤️