AF late but...


So my periods are as follows: Day one I have light flow. Day two the gods release their rain of bloody terror upon my uterus and I flow like the Nile River, going through a tampon every hour to two hours. Day three is medium and then I proceed with a light flow to spotting over the next couple of days.


I miscarried at 12 weeks (didn't know I was pregnant) last August and that was as follows: Day one light spotting. Day one evening felt like someone punched me right in the baby maker with brass knuckles and I was up all night in writhing torturous pain. Day two was heavy and awful, day three everything was over with.

Which brings us to our present day situation. Aunt Flo was supposed to show up yesterday. The last couple of days have involved spotting so light that only a wipe will show it. Sometimes is bright pink, sometimes brown, but never bright red. This has never happened. DH and I did our BD only once, the night before my projected ovulation. The spotting (If you can call it that) started the day before after was due.

If nothing changes I'm taking an HPT Wednesday. I just wanted to know if anyone has had this experience and, been pregnant, or if anyone has this experience and started af late.

Either way, wish me luck!