My so NEEDS to find a different job. Warning gory injury pic *Update* 2nd update in comments


I have asked him time and time again to find safer work. He doesn't listen. He currently does tree work for a tiny company so no health insurance etc. well look what happened.

He's hurt, seriously hurt, the surgeon operated tonight and in a few days he's going to need another operation. He's such a good person he was more concerned with me being alone and having everything that I need when he's in the hospital about to be operated on. Even in this state he's more concerned about me but he should just be worried about himself. I wish that I could help him right now but I can't. I love him so much I pray that he can come home soon and heals well. Could you guys pray for the next operation to go well and fast healing please. **He said that he's getting a skin graft on Sunday. They are going to take skin from his torso and put it on his hand. He didn't have to be under for the first operation but he will be for the second one, which freaks him out a bit. I pray that it goes well. Thanks for all your kind words and prayers. ♡