Zero sperm and on clomid - how long did it take to work?


My husband and I conceived our first on the first try three years ago. We’ve been trying for a second since last August. By January I had a feeling something had to be off so I went to my ob and she ordered an SA for my husband just to check. It came back zero. Zero!! I could not freaking believe it.

He got referred to a urologist, got an ultrasound to check blockages - none. An MRI - all fine. Testosterone came back low. He’s been on 25mg daily of clomid since beginning of March. He got a repeat SA done last week and it came back zero still - however I’ve been reading a lot of people say it takes at least 3 months since it takes 70 something days for sperm to mature. He’s now being referred to an endocrinologist and also has increased his clomid to 50mg daily.

Has anyone had any success stories with clomid after zero sperm, and if so how long did it take? His urologist seems to think it will for sure come back since he’s been fertile before.

Any stories are greatly appreciated!