Deploymented Husband And Pregnancy (vent)?

Abigail • •Mommy to Miracle Baby Girls! Due date 11/14/17

My husband is deployed (9 months) and I am 27 Weeks pregnant now. So far I have been fine with my emotions and thoughts because we get to talk everyday (I got lucky). Well now my luck has run out. His unit is moving and ill get less communication with him because they will loose free Internet Connection and he will be limited.

It's hard enough that he doesn't get to be here the whole pregnancy and is missing everything . I've kept it together and been strong but now with less communication I'm worried more. (as any wife of a deployed soldier is).

You aren't suppose to worry your soldier or upset them because it's a distraction but I'm falling apart here! And I want to tell him that sometimes. But I can't.

I hate the fear you feel. No one really understands that fear unless you have been through it. I know you can't ever go there and say that you can't live without them or. I sleep alone I cry alone and I wish and pray on that lucky star that he will come home soon safe and sound!

Any advice to get through this deployment...

(It's my first) and I've been fine untill now....