
This isn’t against anyone on here....

Rant begins..

I hate it when when the US takes products, clothing, foods, in general anything from another county and “Americanize” it. Then in return, the people of USA dislikes the people of other countries or their culture. They always try to westernize everything.

Example, yoga! Yoga is one of the most westernized thing in the USA and it’s not even real Indian yoga. Most instructors don’t know what their doing and they charge Americans a leg and an arm to learn it. It’s just so stupid and people fall for it because it’s not their own and there is no truth of source for it.

Then on the backside, I hear so many people down play and talk bad about Indians. Telling any brown person to go back to their country. But some stupid Americans don’t understand that just because someone LOOKS brown it doesn’t mean that person wasn’t born in the US.

There are SO many colored people born in the US and are citizens but do not look American. Like some would day, Americans doesn’t have a culture. America is a melting pot with all different people from all over the world.

Ok rant over.

Note: say what you gotta say in the comments nice or nasty, I’m not gonna respond.

We are all Human.