Help me decide if I should TTC?

Ash • Married 8.2.2014. 1st Boy 11.24.16. 2nd Boy 8.27.18

*Heads up! Long post!*

My husband and I have been married a couple weeks shy of a year. He wanted children right away. So his baby fever is getting to be crazy! He loves kids and would be a great father! There's just one problem. Me. I had Skyla and IUD put in about a year and a half ago due to my terrible periods and cramping. So I still have it. I've talked to my obgyn about getting it taken out in November which would make me be able to get pregnant by January. I want to do this for my husband. I married him knowing he wanted kids. But I'm scared/nervous/unsure. We are spontaneous and enjoy going on random road trips and having friends over and dates! This sounds beyond immature but I am afraid of losing that freedom. I wanted to enjoy being married but I feel selfish. I feel like I'm denying my husband fatherhood. Don't get me wrong I want kids. But not right now. BUT I still want to be young when the kids are grown and living their lives so I don't want to wait too long. We have good jobs and we've bought a 4 bedroom house, both families are suggesting we have babies. I just don't know what to do!!! Anyone feel like this??