Should I tell him or wait...


...long his previous relationship of 20years him and his ex had major issues TTC, 3 rounds of <a href="">IUI</a> and 3 rounds of <a href="">IVF</a>, all without success, they split up.

Fast forward a few years to September last year, we found out I was pregnant, he was so amazingly happy, crying everything he talked about it, at 5 weeks I realised something wasn’t right...we went for an early scan and was told I had one of the rarest forms of ectopics, a cesarean scar ectopic.

Mine was one where although attached the my c scar baby was viable and growing into my uterus and we saw it’s heartbeat...then to be told of our options...continue with the pregnancy...risks included ‘massive bleeding, haemorrhage and death’ not to mention I would have to go under the care of a hospital 300 miles away.

Or I could have a methotrexate shot to end the pregnancy...this was our instant decision, he wouldn’t have it any other was a hard ordeal 2 weeks in hospital, after the first hcg levels continued to rise at an astonishing rate, and babys heartbeat stronger than completely broke us both...we had a fighter who in the end was going to loose...I had another shot and a few days later...our baby was gone.

Now I was heartbroken but I was far more concerned with how he felt and reacted, he was literally devastated, his world had fell apart.

We couldn’t try again for 6 months. Which has just finished and we have decided to TTC again, there are increased risks of the same happening again or a tubal, I’m more terrified of it happening again for him. If I find out I am pregnant what do I do?

Do I tell him and we go through whatever happens together or do I get the early tests out of the way on my own and if everything is ok tell him then?

Sorry for the long post, comments and opinions welcome, please no negativity xxx

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