LDR to living across the country and living together.

Samantha • 1st baby due February 2025 after 6 years ttc. Baby dust to all.

I want to give some hope to y'all who think things might not work out. 5 years ago I met this amazing man. we dated but I lived in Arkansas and he in California. I was 15 at the time and he was 17 about to be 18. so things were tough. the distance got to my immature brain and we split up and I got with some asshole sociopath. well... 4 years after that we were still friends I had been with asshole after asshole through that time and he had been with a bitch who cheated on him in front of his face. we started talking more again after all that while we were single. I had just graduated high school and he was working. we hit it off like nothing happened. we got bk together within 3 days of talking. he forgave me for leaving him. yes it took a toll on our newly found relationship and he had alot of trust issues with me. He came and visited me in July 2017 for 2 weeks. After that... I ended up moving away from my family and friends in Arkansas to be with him in California starting in september. We talked everything through. took nearly half a year for him to get fully over it. We're now engaged trying to save to get married, trying to start a little family of our own (we both love kids and want our kids to be better off than we both were), and we're trying to save to go back to Arkansas. yes things were tough. but we've now been together for 1 year and 1 month. and couldn't be happier. so keep trying. things will work out in the end.

my husband and I a year together.