IUI-Without medication?

Hannah • 7/12/18 👼💛🌻 Rainbow baby born 2/8/20 🌈 💙👶🏼 7/7/21🥰💕 🌈 Due 11/2022♥️

My husband and I are currently going into our third <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. The first they had us do a trigger shot, the 2nd we just went by the ultrasound and the positive home test we took and I got a positive one day after my period was “late” then started the next day. So are we doing this right? Should we insist on medication? I had an ultrasound today and everything looks good but the egg sack’s (yes two!!) are a little small but we also haven’t had a positive ovulation test (doctor figures by this weekend). I guess I need input on if we should continue to do this as naturally as possible or insist on a trigger shot or just see how this goes? We’ve spent a lot of money and we really really want this to work. We are ready to grow our family.

We’ve been together almost five years and have had custody of his little boy for almost four♥️

He constantly asks me “mom when are we going to have a baby, I think I’d be a good big brother” 💔 how much should we tell him? He doesn’t know we are trying or that is why we have to make four hour trips out of town.

4 years ago -> now