CD 1...bittersweet?

Brittany • Mama to my 🌈 girl Jordyn 6/11/19

Hi ladies!

I’ve been TTC now for a year for my rainbow. I just finished up my first cycle on clomid and metformin, I’ve had very long & irregular cycles since I got off of birth control - like 90 days long!

Last month I had to use provera to trigger my period and it was a 60 day cycle. I was so excited to ovulate on clomid and definitely got my hopes up (although I said I wouldn’t).

Today starts a new cycle, I’m picking up a new round of clomid after work...and opks! Although I was super sad to see bfn after bfn for yet another month, I feel so happy that my body gave me a period and only after 34 days! I’m hopeful again for this cycle. I’ve never been guaranteed another chance so close and although it isn’t a 28-30 day cycle, this is so big for me.

Sending you all lots of baby dust!! 💕