Was I out of line?

Hi ladies, I need some unbiased opinions about whether or not I was out of line this weekend. Sorry for the long post!

My husband had his 30th birthday last Thursday and I had spent a month planning a surprise birthday party for him on Saturday. Everything was going according to plan, he had no clue and I was so excited to surprise him since he’s never had a birthday party, let alone a surprise one!

He works late nights (usually home around 1am), and I had stayed up late on Friday night just to see him and love on him some because I didn’t get to see him on his birthday. Well, he chose to go out with coworkers for a drink instead. Ok, I was looking forward to seeing him but no big deal. Well, come 5:30am he’s still not home. I got one text around 3:45am saying “at rickeys not dead” but I was asleep. Who is Rickey? Your guess is as good as mine. Never heard of this dude before in my life. No idea where this person lives, if my husband was still there, if he was dead, in jail, no clue! He wasn’t answering texts or phone calls (obviously passed out). I. Was. Livid.

Anyway, he didn’t get home until 11am on Saturday and by then I’d cancelled everything. He said he stayed there because he was too drunk to drive. Which I commend him for, but we have fought about this multiple times..that he needs to come home when the bars close.

Anyway, long day of fighting of course, but my question is...was I out of line? Should I have still thrown the party for him? I was confident about my decision before, but now...I need opinions!

Thanks everyone!