Help: Can I get a break? I want this baby!


We’ve been trying hard to conceive so for the month of May and June, we TTC more than 15 times, according to Glow calendar. Over this past weekend, I began experiencing very sharp pains in the lower right side of my back (near top of Buttocks). We traveled from HOU to San Antonio for a romantic getaway. While sightseeing, the pain became so surreal that I had to have my fiancé carry me into the hotel. Our weekend in my mind was a bust for sure! I, not wanting to ruin things, try again yesterday and made it through the Alamo tour. We arrived back home last night. I tossed and turned all night. I phoned my job and advised, that I’m not in the best shape for work and will keep them informed on my well-being. I phoned my mom, informed me to go to an urgent care. So I moseyed on up some strength to go urinate and conveniently have pregnancy test at my disposable. I take the Clearblue test only to learn I’m not pregnant. That easier my mind with going to the Urgent care, as my mom advised they may want to perform XRay on back. I arrive alone, on my mission, in tears from pain. The staff take me back. Doctor performs physical on right side and presses stomach. She asked slot of questions about my athletic build. As nothing pointed out of the ordinary to be experiencing this pain. She order uti test, confirmed cycle dates and sent me to bathroom and then X-RAY room. The nurse then came in for forms for Mr to sign on X-ray. It asked specifically about current pregnancy status. I checked no but the nurse asked, if I’d like for them to perform one just in case. I told her sure, my sample is in the bathroom. I stood awkwardly for about 5 minutes. She returned and said, they performed two test and both confirmed faint pregnant lines. She recommended that I not do the X-ray and get dress. The doctor came to speak with me from a boring questionnaire tone to now a happy undertone with recommendation to go get an ultrasound to confirm weeks st an er. She wrote up mg results and R/O ectopic pregnancy. My heart dropped. All my excitement went away. I had an ectopic pregnancy back in 2016 and the December 2017 an emergency DC with blood transfusion. Should I go to the ER alone or tell someone? I don’t want to get my fiancé excited. Anyone experienced two positive and one negative.