Is it ok to have sex or wait (NFP AVOIDING PREGNANCY)


Hi so I’m new to this and I just recently got off my Mirena after 5 yrs on 5/1 and am trying NFP (natural family planning) as contraception. I had my first period on 5/4. It lasted 3 days and my ovulation is suppose to be on 5/19 so my fertile window is like from 5/14 til 5/20. So I’m wanting to be a little more precautious and not have sex from 5/12-5/21. So what I’m not sure about is weather I should have sex tonight for just wait the next two full weeks???

Because I know my husband wants to have sex tonight and I want to too lol.

I also have a NFP class on 6/14 to learn more and have my hubby involved and aware.