Won’t let me put her down

My daughter is five weeks old and EBF. Breastfeeding is well established at this point. However, she still will not let me put her down. Even after a good feeding, I cannot put her down. She can be in a deep sleep and I will try to put her somewhere, and she instantly wakes up screaming.

She does not like a paci.

We’ve tried the swing, bouncer, boppy, flat on her back

I will let her cry, but I watch the clock and have never let her go longer than 15 mins before I will grab her.

I always burp her after she eats.

What do I do?! I love her snuggling on me, but I need to be able to eat lunch, pick up, brush my teeth...;) I keep thinking it’ll get better soon, but 5 weeks later I am still holding her for most of the day.