Effexor? Any weight gain?


Did anybody ever gain weight taking effect sore very low dose for anxiety? I’ve taken Celexa a couple years ago I gained about 40 pounds in one year I have not been on any antidepressants for about five years I’ve been having anxiety lately I’ve been dealing it on my own for almost a year my doctor prescribed me at the Effexor. And I’m worried about gaining weight because on this is the heaviest I’ve been am I had a baby two years ago I’ve gained about 40 pounds after the pregnancy and they gave me a lot of issues like I’m extremely tired I have a fatty liver now I have hypertension I think it’s all due to the weight gain and I’m scared to take this medication so I wanted to know if anybody has taken this medication and if it did make you gain weight or if you have known someone else that it caused weight gain .Also I know that every medications different it works for some and works for doesn’t work for others I wanted to know if it made you feel any way of being on it like a Xanax does you know how makes you feel a little bit zombie-ish thank you everybody