
I wish my dad would come down and something with me for Fathers Day. I’ve tried many times in the past to have him come down and we go fishing together, but he refuses. He will only ever come down here if my little brother (15) and little sister (9) are going to be here. I am 21, but still want to spend time with my dad. He doesn’t like me much and I don’t know why. My siblings and I have differ mom’s by the way. He would rather be at his place all alone on Fathers Day then come go fishing with me. I would go up to him, but there is no place to fish where he lives. It really makes me question if he even loves me. He barely talks to me. Doesn’t even answer my texts normally. He adores my brother and sister though. He calls and talks to them every night and drives down here all the time to see them.

Sorry for the selfish post. I just feel hurt.