Do you have to have high blood pressure for preeclampsia?

Just wondering if anyone knows this.

I’ve had a lot of protein in my urine at every OB appointment for 2 months. (Every 2 weeks)

I have all the symptoms of preeclampsia except for swelling of the face/hands and high blood pressure.

I will be asking my doctor but won’t see him for 3 more weeks due to not being able to have a ride and I will be 36 weeks by then. I keep reading that you have to have high blood pressure.

I guess the problem is that my doctor appointments are always early in the morning so I get up, and leave right away. It’s always perfect. But there was 3 times in the last few months I’ve gone to urgent care since it’s closer. Once for an ultrasound, once for uti and once for bad headaches and my blood pressure was always pretty high. I went there later In the day each time. So I’m worried that it’s only perfect everytime because it’s so early and before my day even starts or before I’m actually moving around