Lend me advice & wisdom

Heather • Happy mommy to 💙💙💙💖.

Hello Beautiful mamas!!

So due to some new medications in Nov 2017 I gained 30# in 5wks. Between then and May I gained 10more. Although we’ve been trying all year to get pregnant I hadn’t gotten the extra weight off (and yes I’m still on the meds that caused it as I need them) I started this pregnancy at 200# and I’m 5’9”. I’m 6wks now and due to morning sickness have dropped to 192#. This is my 4th baby so I expect to be showing very quickly, especially since I carry all my extra weight in my stomach so I always look pregnant anyways! Ugh lol

My concern is this, I’ve never started a pregnancy this over weight. I was about 215-220# at delivery with my previous babies. Never had complications like preeclampsia or gestational diabetes but due to already being 40# over weight I am absolutely terrified of what this pregnancy is going to do to my body. Both on the health side and cosmetic side! I will absolutely be eating as healthy as I can and exercising regularly (I walk several miles each day for work) but does anyone have any advice, thoughts or kind words they can lend a worried mama?? I know my body, and yours, is an amazing and wonderful vessel creating a beautiful life and ultimately I just want to grow a healthy baby as best I can! But any tips for that starting a bit heavier??