30w5d L&D visit


So first and foremost. Everything is fine, I’m home.

But today was a bit of a scare. I went into preterm at 30 weeks with my second born. So of course when the cramping/backache/BH started to get more persistent I was worried.

I went in, letting them know if nothing is wrong that is fabulous.

I got put on the monitor and they were picking up contractions, but also picking up how crazy my baby is. They said his movements and heart rate are that of a full term baby. Which was great to hear. FFN was negative, uti negative, cervix closed and long and I wasn’t dehydrated.. Baby is head down and slightly lower but not too low.

They basically told me he moves and kicks so much that he is most likely what is causing my uterus to become irritable and start contractions!! What the hell!!! Haha! Has anyone experienced a crazy little baby doing this to them??