Terrified of bleeding


I’m only posting to perhaps gain some piece of mind. I am 8W3D on my 4th pregnancy. The first two were miscarriages and the third was a molar pregnancy. So I’ve literally never experienced a pregnancy WITHOUT bleeding and I’ve also never had a viable pregnancy.

So I had a handful of unusually strong “cramps” during my shift last night and ever time I went to the bathroom, I had more and more pink cervical mucous on the tissue. So just now I’ve wiped away the discharge in the photo. Sorry if I don’t make it show as TMI, this is my first post ever.

I guess I’m wanting to hear anyone’s experience with bleeding during pregnancy, good OR bad.

*Please note I had a normal ultrasound at 7weeks gestation and have spoken with my midwife this morning. I have an appointment tomorrow but have to manage the stress and worry over another nightshift first.