
Have any of you ladies had a VBAC? I'm considering it for my second child (hopefully there will be a second.) I've only heard bad things although everyone is different. Please share experiences and/or tips! TIA 😘
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I've had 2 successful VBACs. Hoping for my 3rd in about 7 weeks!!! Best decision ever! Finding a supportive doc or midwife is essential! 


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I'm trying for one for my second, due the end of September. I switched to a mid-wife who has a very high successful vbac rate, hired a doula and am doing a self-study Hypnobirthing class. I have a completely different mindset this time around, and have confidence my body can do it. My best friend has had two successful vbacs, and says it's a world of difference!! This is also a great article to read: http://www.mamanatural.com/vbac/ 


Misa • Jul 14, 2015
well,thank you!!


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I'm pregnant with my second and attempting a vbac in November and I'm terrified! I'm terrified of going through labor again and my body failing again, I really just want to be able to push out my little girl (even though that is also terrifying)


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I will be attempting a VBAC this month with my second. I had an emergency c section in 2011. I was informed by my doctor it is a much safer and healthier route. I have actually only heard first hand and read wonderful experiences with VBAC. It helps to deliver at a hospital w a high VBAC rate.All delivery options have their risks. The risk with VBAC is actually quite small, there's also risks and complications with consecutive csections/major abdominal surgery which i have seen happen first hand in my family. I'm looking forward to a much easier recovery God willing with this VBAC. It's best to get informed of the pros and cons on both ends and make your decision from there. Good luck with whatever you decide! Happy and healthy recovery to you!


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😢my second is breech again😢so I'm having another horrible c-section😞Ugh I'm so depressed!Hope everything goes well and you can try for a vbac😊👍 x


Tracy • Jul 17, 2015
Oh no I'm so sorry- did you try seeing a Chiropractor or doing potential methods to turn? Best wishes!!


Posted at
I was going to have a VBAC but I have decided not to. I met with a dr yesterday who would let me do it but after I just felt there was more risk. If I labored but ended up needing a c section it would be worse than if I had just had a c section right away. Also, if I was to rupture me and baby could die! I understand that if I was successful that recovery would be a lot easier but my first c section was a breeze and I really trust my dr. 


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I had an hbac in November 2014!It was wonderful and empowering! Recovery was a breeze compared to a c-section!


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I'm going to try. My midwife said I should.