2 cars...

Hey all I just have a question for you all that have 2 cars between you and your s/o.

Am I the only one who has to drive the crappier car even though I have to drive 56 miles a day to get myself to and from work and my son to/from school while my s/o drives the newer/better car? Is it just me or do you guys have the same problem? I try to explain to my s/o that I should be driving the better car since I drive further and take our son.

Added... we both pay for both cars, one person does not own one over the other regardless of who’s name’s on the title, it’s not a matter of the year of the car, the car that is in my name is a 2007 with 90,000 miles and is actually is good condition mechanically and the car in my s/o’s name is a 2015. The thing I have a problem with and why I say mine is the crappier car is because my s/o got into an accident with it last year (insurance won’t cover repairs for their asinine reasons) to the point where the front bumper on the passenger side is hanging and the headlight is smashed and the brakes are close to needing changed and we don’t have the money right this second for me to fix everything ...I feel that because I’m driving further everyday with our 1 1/2 year old son that it should be a given that I drive the car that isn’t “falling apart”, that doesn’t have one headlight if it gets dark or a front bumper that flaps in the wind like it’s going to come right off.