How to be happy.

Hi ladies..

I have a problem.

Ever since i joined this community, im finding so many girls in troubled situations in their relationships. And im finding myself comparing my relationship to theirs. Its making me overthink over nothing! My boyfriend said my sadness and negativity is taking a toll on him because he is starting to get my negativity and it almost made us break up.

I always had a problem where i thought i had to be perfect, no matter what. (I was raised like this.. bad idea.)

Im only 16 years old, and i realized i should NOT be sad every day. Im trying to live my best teenage years but it is SO hard when im raised in a way that makes it hard to change. Ive ALWAYS had a problem accepting who i am as a person, and i know who I am.

I just want to know what I can do to grow the positive energy i have left and to help heal my relationship.

Please dont say that women do not have problems and guys do, women can have problems too. My mother was like me but she never looked for help like I am. I do not have depression i just get sad over everything and think that things have to go this certain way. Like, how girls say your bf should do this this and this, reading stuff like that makes me think negatively and i just want to learn how to become the person i want to be and get rid of my sadness. I posted in this group because i love to hear adult answers.