Still faint lines or evap?

Torie • 05.07.17💙 04.23.19💚 05.24.20👼🏼 01.17.22🌈

So here are all the test I have taken. When I took them I could see the faintest line so I have just put them in a box to let them dry out. Now Idk if they are now Evap lines or if you can still count it after the length. The top one, was 2 days ago, the 2nd one was yeasterday, and the bottom 3 are from this morning at about 11am. It is still extremely early especially because I don't know how long my cycle is or when I ovulated because this is my first cycle after the Mirena which I only had for a year. I am not trying to get my hopes up but

what do you guys think?