Do you think it’s possible?


As I get on <a href="">Eve</a> I see pictures of happy couples in their wedding outfits or if it’s just boyfriend/ girlfriend pictures. I am a domestic abuse survivor and I wonder if it can be possible to let love back into my life yet. I see all these cute guys hoping if the right one will come up to me and say hey I am the guy your looking for? But as a single mother that is 34 years old with a son on a cancer remission who would ever fall in love with me? I have a fast metabolism and ADHD, i know I am trying my hardest to gain weight right now, I don’t talk to any of my ex’s ever I only talk to my oldest kid on phone or Skype that’s all. My mom yeah she might do a background check on the poor guy. It I want to make sure he is the right one for us but I have trust issues. I’ve been hurt and I don’t want to lose anything else in my life right now. So how do I get myself motivated to see if love does find us? How can I trust again? I love my son but my oldest is kicking me to the curb (if you know what that means) I still love both my kids very much but I just don’t want nothing bad to happen again if you know what I mean?? I am just trying to move on and keep going forward start fresh and new type thing. It’s been since 2015-present I haven’t been with any one but it’s me and my son mainly and living with my mom 😔😒 So any ideas, tips, suggestions, or opinions please. I know I have a pen pal I really like him he wants to meet us one day but I am scared I keep myself hidden shy type thing? So yeah!! I want to meet him in person on day that would be nice. I explained to myself that maybe if he and I can stay as friends introduce him to my friends and family to see if they all like him too and then maybe if I am ready to go next step I am sure I can let him know right? I don’t know my mind is like 😐 my heart says 😇 go for it? So anyone know what I can do about this? Issue I have?