Talking about possible miscarrying??

Mackenzie • 28yrs ❤️ Married , 👼July 2018, 👧🏻October 3rd 2019, March 2022 👶🏻PCOS. 🙄

Okay to start this is/was my first pregnancy. I went in for a couple ultrasounds, and at 8weeks (according to when I think I ovulated) or 10 weeks according to period. There was still no heart beat. The gestational sac was measuring 8weeks 4 days, the fetal pole was measuring 6week 1 day. I was told I would mostly likely miscarry due to no growth in fetal pole and no heart beat...

It is now 20 days later and I have yet to spot or have sign of miscarrying. I have taken another pregnancy test to see if it was faint or if levels have dropped. The test line was darker then the control so I am still confused, I would think my levels would be dropping by now.

I was on progesterone injections but the last time I took them was 20 days ago so I would think that wouldn't be effecting things as of now.

I do intend to call my Doctor Monday to have an ultrasound done to double check things..

Has anyone been told they would miscarry and then they found out the were wrong?

Side note: reason I have waited to go in to the doctor was to see if I would naturally miscarry.