Boy Moms HELP !


I’m not trying to isolate girl moms by any means, your input is absolutely welcome as well, but my question is basically this. . . Moms of boy(s) meaning you have more than one 💁🏼 how did your older boy deal with a new brother ? My boys will be 18 months apart & while my oldest is sweet, loving and willing to share with other kids. . . I’m not completely sure that he’s going to stay this way once baby brother is officially HERE 😳😫 we talk about “brother” a lot to make sure he’s aware & before anyone jumps to say “he’s only so old he’s not gonna understand” listen he’s smart, he knows brother is in mommies belly and that he will join us soon, he rubs my belly and gives him love all the time, he goes to ultrasounds and watches him on the screen, listens to his heart beat and all that. . . He’s not really jealous, right now 🙄 so if you have any advice on what to do in the case a situation does occur it would be greatly appreciate to have a few options 😂 thanks in advance 🙌🏼