Appreciation post for my fiancé !!


This is my fiancé nick and I. We have been together for 8 years in January, we have one HANDSOME little boy together, he will be 3 in August. Me and nick have been thru soooo much and still our love just continues to grow and grow. Watching him with our son is absolutely my favorite thing ever ! Nick is by far the best father ever and goes to work everyday at 6 a.m and does construction in all these crazy climates to support his family. Never complains either, never. His family up and left to Georgia leaving him with no one in Ohio besides me and my family ( witch he claims as his one and only family) and he’s always the first one to even make the phone call checking on them asking how everything is going, they never ask about our son, hell they have never even seen this precious baby boy. It saddens me because they show sooo much love to their other grandchildren, but leave my son in the total dark. After these years I have realized it’s better that way. My family gives mason so much love and affection to last a lifetime!! Nicks such a strong person , this whole thing with his family not caring about him or his first born dont effect him like it would other people . Moral of this story that I got wayyyy off tract from ..... I LOVE THIS MAN AND THIS LITTLE BOY SOOOOO MUCH !!!! ( no pictures of my son posted because I’m weird about that ! Creepers are everywhere theses days lol)