We are okay with two kids.

Maria • I`m happily married, & I am a new mommy to a beautiful baby boy & with my new little girl. My life is now complete 💚💜

My body & myself went through a lot. (Sorry if it’s long)

2013 I had an ectopic pregnancy that ended up having to remove one of my tubes. That was my first surgery ever & I was 25 when this happened.

2014 I got into a car crash after leaving work late. I had two fractured on right wrist. I made the mistake on not getting surgery & just having the doctors replaced my wrist back. (No surgery but now I have a messed up wrist)

I got pregnant in 2015, best 8 months of my life. September 2015 I went into active labor, I was processing amazing but then my sons heart rate went super low that turned into code red. I was freaken out, my mother in law, my husband, and my sister was also freaken out. They ended up having to do an emergency c-section on me. (Second surgery)

One month later, I was having trouble breathing. My husband called for an ambulance for me and he asked his mom to take care of our one month baby. We went to the ER..the doctor did some x-rays on me and they told me that I had to get surgery to remove my Gallbladder. (Third surgery)

2017 found out I was pregnant again. Everything was fine until I was almost 15 weeks pregnant. I wasn’t feeling good, I had this really bad pain every time I moved. My husband ended up taking me to the ER, they took forever so I told my husband to go back home to our son & that I’ll call him when I’m done. The OBGYN came to see me & asked me if they can do a CT scan on me. Oh boy I knew it was a risk but I knew something was wrong so I said yes. After that a doctor came to see me & told me that they had to remove my Appendix because they saw it was starting to leak and if the liquid comes out my baby could die..I said yes right away. (Fourth surgery)

November 2017 I had a planned c-section do to the surgery I had that same year & my beautiful daughter was born. After the c-second the doctor told my husband & i that I have to wait three years to have another baby. She said that my placenta was really thin & weak. (Fifth & hopefully the last surgery) I was 29 years old.

That’s why my husband & I are okay with just two kids. I am letting my body heal & if god wants us to have another one in a couple of years I will be happy & if not I will still be happy because he gave me two adorable kids. & thank you everyone who took the time to read this long post.