Somethin I saw that irritated me, just wanted to clear up some false BC info being spread

Okay I know this is open to anyone and all that. But please do this entire forum and community a favor and do NOT give shit birth control advice to some of the younger females on here. I read a question about the best forms of birth control methods where a girl was asking for advice and said she would have time to take the pill but is an IUD more convenient etc... this one comment was posted where a woman started saying birth control is NOT reliable. She said condoms are not effective, the pill is not effective, and all IUD’s come out and the only way to not get pregnant is to time your “fertile window” which no one has down to an exact science, and you can get pregnant even at the LOWEST point of fertility in your cycle. She sounded like the female version of “I’ll just pull out.”

I’m just gonna go off about some birth control facts real quick:

Using just a condom the right way is 98-99% effective, taking your birth control pill is more than 99% effective when taken within the same hour everyday. For example everyday between 5 & 6, is acceptable. Taking it whenever you feel like it or often forgetting is not and your body won’t be in a consistent pattern. Doctors Ive spoken to actually believe its more than 99% effective, however the people making the drugs providing stats etc can’t say it’s 100% because of how much USER error there is. An IUD, same game, more than 99% effective, you can now also ask your doctor who’s putting in the IUD to be put under//dosed up so you don’t feel pain during insertion. Theres also birth control patches that you leave on for a week, they’re water proof but again not effective when they slip off or you remove it too soon. It’s a newer form and has some flaws but is worth trying if you think it may work for you. Condoms should be used regardless. Unless you’re 100% confident in your hormonal birth control method, or your partner is fixed, you should use a condom. I can tell you I know two children in my immediate family who are here because the mother forgot to take her pill and they did not have a condom. Forgetting happens, what if you and your SO were out to dinner or dancing, you didn’t hear your alarm for your pill and forgot to take it. You’re back home about to have sex, and even if you don’t regularly use them, just keep a box for the days you forget to take it!! Don’t be part of the small portion of unlucky women who forget to take their pill one night and they’re freakishly fertile or their partner is so they get an unwanted pregnancy. Be prepared, be safe, make wise choices, carry condoms on you whenever you think you may have sex, leave them in your bedside drawer, set an alarm for your pill, or if your life is too busy for that, talk to your doctor about a patch, IUD, or anything else. Last thing about STD’s, planned parenthood just posted on their insta about a new pill for people to take if they’re sexually active with multiple partners or have a consistent partner with HIV. You can take it to eliminate your chances of receiving HIV, but condoms should still be used.

That’s all... just wanted to clear up some of the shit advice on this app.