help calm my nerves please.

(EDIT:yeah i told her that im here for her and will help if asked but i am keeping my distance. She has to go through this on her own this is her life. )

Okay I'm miles away, 9 hours by flight to be exact from my best friend. now before you stop reading thinking it's a stupid childish thing it's something a little more serious. Okay so my friend let's call her ashley called me a couple of hours ago telling me how her boyfriend has isolated her meaning she only goes out for an appointment or work. And he is always just "me me me" not "me and you" if that makes sense? Anyway he was verbally abusive to her friends a few months ago and trust me we've talked about red flags but she is oblivious. she loves this guy and before all of this her past relationship was abusive I had to convince her to leave it just broke my heart and now not even 3 years later I have to tell her again. it's so painful watching her go through something like this it's like she can't catch a break :( . she is such a sweetheart and everyone seems to do her wrong. I just want advice that I could give her as I'm not the best and I'm worried about her. and im not sure my advice is going through her. she's so used to being mistreated and hurt that she is afraid of him leaving (becausd she loves him) but at the same time she feels trapped.

i am at a loss of words. I do not trust this man. she does not trust this man. Oh Lord I wish I had the ability to read minds and fix everything but I don't and im at a loss. he's already verbally abusive but I'm afraid he might get physical. im sorry I'm rambling I'm just so far away and I'm completely useless minus advice. so I need the best :( oh man my hearts breaking. thank you for reading it truly means a lot.