
Okay guys... I need yalls opinions. So I’ve been with this guy for 9 months but we’ve been talking for over a year. So recently he’s been acting kind of weird. Like he doesn’t wanna talk to me. So we used to talk on the phone every single night and then he got to where he didn’t want to anymore. He called me childish because he said we could talk on the phone and then he said no after I tried to call him. So here’s the screenshot of that.

So I just let it go because i mean it’s a phone call, not really worth an argument. So anyways then tonight he was acting really weird. Like being short, getting mad for no reason, etc. so then I bring it up. I told him how I felt. I told him that it felt like he was giving up on us, that he didn’t want me anymore, that he found somebody else, etc. This is the reply I got.

Honestly, he’s my heart. I love him so so much and he doesn’t realize it. I always put his needs before mine, I always make sure he has a good day, I always let him do him and hang out with the guys. But recently it’s started to feel like a toxic relationship and I don’t know what to do anymore. It hurts so so much.

Also sorry for this post being so long.