Positive Labor Story

So I thought I would share my labor experience as my first left me with PND and I was petrified when I fell pregnant again. I explained my first labor to my obgyn and he promised it would never happen under their watch.

First experience - I was induced due to reduced movement.. however they placed the balloon catheter and gel over two days and then my waters broke and they didn't have a suite until day 5, which led to antibiotics, prolonged labor, an epidural which wasn't placed correctly, 2.5hrs of pushing, episiotomy, forceps and a very unwell baby.

Second delivery - I had been feeling braxton hicks contractions all day, and then realised in the afternoon that they were quite consistent so I started timing them. Sure enough they were 4-6mins apart. I phoned hubby at work and just said I would come and pick him up when he finished and we would drop our daughter off to her grandparents, then phone the hospital. By the time we got home they were slightly painful and between 2-3mins apart. I phoned the

hospital and they said to go in. They put the monitor on and sure enough the contractions were 2mins apart but I was only 2cm. They decided to keep us. I bounced on the fitball all night which got me to 3cm and then decided at 5am to get the epidural as the dr lived 45mins away. They got that in and to be honest that was probably the worst part as I have a weak stomach and she was explaining everything that was going on so my BP dropped and I almost blacked out. By 8am they decided to start pitocin as the contractions had become long and they were worried about bubs heartrate. The pitocin pushed us through quickly to 9cm at 11am and then my ob said he'd be back at 12 to deliver the baby. He came back, checked me, got dressed and got me to start pushing at 12.31pm and 7mins later she was here! Hubby got to deliver her and I lost it crying which never happened with my first as I think we were all in shock. We always said that we would stop at 2 babies due to my first delivery, but now we're not so sure.

Either way, I'm sitting here with a 5 day old in my arms, her big sister lying on my lap and my heart has never felt so full.