I knew this girl was trouble!

So I've been with my fiance for over 5 years now. Well during the first 6 months of our relationship I moved away and he broke up with me because he wasn't ready for distance. During that time he became good friends with a new housemate (she moved in after I left). We got back together after 6 months and shortly after that she moved back to Europe. Due to timing I never met her, she's the only one of his friends that I've never met. They've kept in touch over the years and have a good friendship. Now, I have zero issue with him having female friends as he's always set good boundaries, but something about this girl has always bugged me. She used to cuddle with him and watch a movie whenever she was upset with her boyfriend who was back in Europe at the time. My boyfriend always saw it as a friendship thing and as he was single at the time it was no big deal to him. But, I always saw it as her not having respect for her relationship and that bothered me a lot.

Well they haven't seen each other in years. I was visiting my fiance last week (when we got engaged) and picking out my place to live when I move there next month. She planned to visit as well and it was originally planned to overlap with my visit so my fiance could introduce us. She changed plans last minute. Last night he went out with friends (including her) to celebrate our engagement. She got very drunk apparently (though from what I've heard in the past she can handle a lot of alcohol and never gets very drunk) and kissed my fiance and told him she loves him and not to marry me.

A friend of mine saw it happening and called me before he even had a chance to do anything to stop her. I got a play by play of how he extracted himself and while my friend couldn't hear him it looked like he was telling her off. He ended up handing her off to anither friend of theirs and went and called me straight away (or tried to as I was still talking to my friend). He had no idea my friend was even at the bar and she's certain he didn't see her calling me. He's told me he's ending their friendship because she crossed a line with him.

He plans to talk to her today and tell her he can't stay friends with someone that disrespects our relationship and his future wife. Apparently she's been calling him since last nighg and leaving drunk voice mails appologising. She even messaged me about it which I'm trying very hard to just ignore instead of following the advice of the green eyed monster in my head and telling her where to go. Part of me just wants him to never speak to her again and just leave her hanging. But, I do trust my fiance completely and I know he really enjoyed their friendship so I understand that some kind of goodbye might help him too. But would it be so wrong to ask him to just forget her, block her on everything, never speak to her again and just leave it like that? I've just never been the kind of girlfriend to ask a boyfriend to stop being friends with someone because I felt it was wrong to do. But does this whole situation make it different, especially since he plans to end their friendship anyways?