Can someone please give me advice?

So me and my fiancé have been having a lot of problems lately, we decided to take a couple days apart because we’ve been spending so much time together because he got laid off and I’m a stay at home mom so he stayed at his grandmas. We didn’t talk the whole weekend but I could still see his location, he kinda let me know what he was doing the whole weekend since he didn’t have our son on Yesterday and I had him on Sunday so I wanted to know where he was and stuff. So he told me they were just going to be at his grandmas all day, so I saw he was somewhere else (he was at a very nice restaurant) so when I texted him he lied and said he was with his brother and his friend but they were getting his oil changed, I straight up said “you’re lying” he admitted it, and told me he didn’t want me to get mad he was spending so much money. But like we’re supposed to be putting more effort than ever in our relationship since it’s falling apart, and wouldn’t you think lying is the total opposite of that? So then, today he invites me to go to the lake with his mom and we’ll we’re in the car he asks me to look for songs on his phone and well I’m doing that I look through his phone and see that he deleted his friends (who he was with yesterday) and his brothers thread. Does anyone think that’s extremely weird? But he still has a couple text from this morning asking his friend for weed. which know I know he lied about because he told me he didn’t buy any, or smoke any. (When he gets a new job he will have to pass a drug test) idk I’m extremely upset about him lying, it makes me wonder what else he’s lied about. I know we were on “a break” but it wasn’t really a break lol it was more like you spend the night somewhere else so that we just get away from each other for a couple days. Idk I’m super hurt, it feels like he’s not even trying. Also he pretty much just pawned our son off on his day, well I actually had to watch him. He got a whole weekend off well I was worried the whole time. Maybe I’m being dramatic but this is causing more issues I feel like.