getting iud removed

I have had mirena for a little over a year and a half and am getting it removed next week because it is causing vaginal infections and cysts every month. for those who have had it removed, and had painful periods before bc, did they return as painful? how long did it take? on a side note I think I ovulate in a couple of days (either tomorrow or wednesday) if I do, what are the odds that I will get pregnant? had sex yesterday and today. sorry if tmi.
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In many cases the cysts will lessen the longer the Mirena is out.


Noel • Jul 18, 2015
nuvaring might be a good option for you. I was on that for years


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My Mirena was great for 3 years, then I started getting awful health probs. Removal was not nearly as painful as insertion.My cycle was jacked for at least 4 months, (cramps, spotting, irregularities). .. and the acne was TERRIBLE!I would go on oral BC (trinessa or ortho ) asap to alleviate some of the "adjustment time"


ana • Jul 18, 2015
noel, don't think so as I have like 8 cysts


ana • Jul 18, 2015
I can't go on any other bc. I get a rare type of migraines and every neurologist and gynie I've gone to said that with those types of migraines, I am 70% more likely to get a stroke from the estrogen. mini pill doesn't work (got pregnant at 19 on it) and depo made me sick.


Noel • Jul 18, 2015
also, you will be fertile almost immediately upon removal


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ana • Jul 17, 2015
well that's unfortunate Melissa, hopefully they don't come back


Melissa • Jul 17, 2015
The other negative is that the cysts won't stop. I guess it's one of the side effects that will either take a while to go away or I will just have to live with. :(


Melissa • Jul 17, 2015
I had mine removed a year ago for the same reason. Non stop cysts and constant trips to the OB for ultrasounds. After having mine taken out I have gone back to normal periods and unfortunately have gone back to the same cramps periods I remember from high school.