Pregnant with a suddenly aggressive pit


Ugh when I rescued my pitbull last September from the street she was the sweetest thing. I’ve gotten a puppy Nd two mini pigs in December and she was best friends with them my puppy adores her. And all of a sudden the pit starts biting the pigs and attacking them and attacking my puppy! It’s turned into a daily thing! Yesterday she mauled my puppy! And made her bleed a lot and gives her holes and scars in her skin. Today she mauled her again and is bleeding a lot I have her in the room with me. I told my boyfriend the pit has one more strike otherwise I’m getting rid of her because I’m 16 weeks pregnant the pit jumps on me and knocks me over when I walk thru the gate and I don’t want an aggressive pitbull around me being pregnant an a baby! My bf and his mom talk shit and scream at my puppy when my puppy can just be sitting there and the pit mauls her!! The pit has no scars or cuts or blood and my puppy is always pinned down but they say it’s my puppy doing it when I see it w my own two eyes! They’re both MY dogs so I’m not being biased. So after today’s bs I told my bf I’m calling animal control on the pitbull and he started yelling at me cussing and saying I’m not getting rid of her and says he’d get rid of me. I said then put that bitch in the front if ur mom is gonna keep her. It’s my dog I should say if she has to be rehomed esp after attacking the pigs puppy AND ME! she’s attacked bout 3 months ago I had to get surgery. He yelled at me saying it’s my puppy doing it and I said “so when she attacks the pigs when they’re sleeping in their house, it’s the pigs right? It’s them attacking a big ass pitbull?” The pigs are mini and about one foot y’all and tiny. And he got mad af and said am I really gonna start an argument am I really gonna stress him out I said there’s nothing to it but she gotta go! I’m not going thru my pregnancy and having a baby with her attacking me and my baby again.

I never look at pit bulls as aggressive she was the sweetest thing like a little baby but she snapped and it can’t be reserved being here. And I won’t tolerate her attacking innocent animals and myself. What can I do?? I know I’m not in the wrong. I been thinking about letting her run away in the streets where I found her but I just wanna call a animal shelter and get her out of here