I just want to snuggle my baby...

I’m 2 months pp and was diagnosed a few weeks ago with ppd... I’m on medication and trying my best to be happy for my little one but let’s face it being a mom can be really overwhelming and having ppd on top of that doesn’t help at all. I’m so sick of everyone telling me to let my baby cry it out or not to co sleep because of whatever stupid reason they have for telling me it’s wrong. Snuggling my baby until she falls asleep isn’t for her it’s for me! It helps me have relaxing time with her when she’s content and helps me get through the rough times with her. Also I don’t always Co sleep but when I’m feeling really down I like to co sleep with her to make me happy. It’s nice to enjoy those times with her, she’s not going to want to cuddle forever. I just wish everyone would stop putting their opinions in when I don’t need or want them. If i want to snuggle my baby then I will and that doesn’t make me a shitty mom!