Tfw when you find out you are a miracle baby 💞

Apparently, when my mom was young, she hurt herself so badly that the doctors told her she cannot have babies, her body just wasn’t able to. Well, my grandma told me that she wanted a baby girl so bad, and she couldn’t have another one because my grandpa is fixed, so she was very sad. She wished everyday for a baby girl in her life and then one day she found out my mom was pregnant with me. Well, my mom i guess still wasn’t 100% able to hold a child. Her fluids in her belly were constantly running out, nearly killing me. I lost so much oxygen in my brain that they had to put multiple shots through my moms belly and to my head. After the shots i was healed, and when i was born i was very healthy. But ... When i was around 4, i cut my head wide open near my temple, from the corner of a doorway. If i wasn’t at the hospital fast enough i could’ve died. Hearing about this makes me very lucky to be alive 😩💕