Hook up oops

So I went to meet with this guy, he asked if I had ever been in a relationship and I asked him the same, “I’m a friends with benefits kinda guy so feelings don’t get hurt” was his answer. One thing let to another and he fingered me and I blew him he seemed really turned on. We had sex and it was good, he came and we laid and kissed for a bit then he went to take off the condom and it was broken. I’m not on birth control so we drove to get the plan b pill. He seemed so nervous, I was pretty calm because I’m just a calm at first freak out later person. We talked a bit and it was evident he would step up if I did get pregnant. He asked me to take the pill in front of him for “proof” like I wasn’t going to. Then after I left he kept sending me “I’m so nervous”. I woke up feeling like shit so I think the pill worked, I got like every side effect. Now I feel like that little scare totally turned him off from meeting up again. (I’m 21 he’s 20) so we’re both still in school, a baby right now wouldn’t be ideal but I wouldn’t have an abortion. Should I cut it off? I think he’s super cool and I wouldn’t mind just messing around and not having sex. I don’t what do y’all think?

Not interested in the “you should be on birth control” comments.

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Posted at
It’s kind of irrational for him to be completely turned off because of a mistake that neither of you predicted, especially considering it didn’t have serious consequences. This guy seems easily spooked.


Posted at
There's plenty of fish in the sea! Don't stress it if he doesn't wanna hang out, dont push it. He's probably just freaked out at the whole situation. I'd just move on.


Posted at
Yeah I think it’s pretty obvious you need to cut this guy off, he wanted you to take the pill in front of him because what, he thought you were going to try to trick him into a baby? That’s not a dude that I would want to entertain anymore


Su • Jul 4, 2018
And that’s all fine, again I wouldn’t want to entertain a man like that anymore


amay • Jul 3, 2018
This is no different than a woman sayin “no” to sex until a guy uses a condom. He was protecting himself and his future which he has every right to. There are plenty of women who try to get pregnant and “trick” the guy into thinking they are taking the pill when they are not. And like OP said, they don’t know each other well yet so what reason should he have to trust her just yet.


Posted at
I say just be honest with him and make an agreement to be more careful from now on. Don’t be afraid to talk about it. Be confident and mature about this reality, not offended: This guy is protecting himself. It’s no different than a woman refusing sex until a man puts on a condom. Go for it and have fun with your new FWB! 😊