I basically live by myself now

My so.... okay I’m really not upset.

Everyone else is saying I should be.

Without going into much detail because it’s irrelevant we had to move out of our house. I didn’t have money for a down payment on an apartment and neither did he.

I got offered something- a roof over my head. Before taking up that offer I told him about it and he was like “do what you want but I don’t want to live there” and we talked about how if he could come up with a down payment on an apartment that we’d drop this offer and get an apartment.. well he never did that. I just got a second job preparing for living on my own..I told him straight up like “I don’t have anywhere to go. Neither do you. If I have to take this offer alone meaning you won’t live with me then I’ll do it” and he was like “okay that’s fine” and it wasn’t a fight. It just is what it is. Like none of this was an argument.

I took it. I moved my stuff with my moms help. He didn’t help. I moved nothing of his.. he told me he’d move it himself. He came out to my house and looked around right and then he was like “I am going to do everything I can to move into an apartment. I can’t live here. It’s too far away from my job. I’ll be spending most of my time at my friends house. But I’ll help you pay for this every month too”

So this is where we are at. He technically lives here but he’s probably not going to be here most of the time. So I basically live alone.. in a tiny tiny 600 square foot trailer. It’s a nice little trailer though and I honestly like being alone.. a lot. It honestly bothers me how much I like this but I’ve always liked being alone. I like both living with him and living alone. And he’s helping me pay rent.

If you’re wondering where he put his stuff he put it in a family members storage building. He doesn’t have a lot. Mostly everything in our house was mine.

Apparently I should be mad at him. I’m not.. .my mom is mad at him because I got a second job. I needed a second job anyways because my first job doesn’t give me enough hours at all. It’s not that big of a deal. Do you think I should be upset? Am I too laid back or something?