I feel like I'm missing out...


My daughter is 3 weeks old today. I had ever intention on breast feeding her. When she was born she was so tiny. 5lbs 4oz. Her little mouth is so tiny and she's tongue tied. I wasnt producing any milk yet and her blood sugar was very low. So the nurses advised I feed her formula till her blood sugar got up since she couldn't latch. None of the nurses helped me with helping her latch. Part of this due to the nurses and part of it due to me being so tired. Well now it's been weeks and we still havent latched. And even trying sends her into a meltdown. I dont think she even knows what to do with my nipple. I am so upset about this. I dont know what else to do. I've tried a nipple shield and that doesn't even work. I feel like I'm missing out on an important bonding experience with her...and that I've some how robbed her and myself of it all.