Please help me gain weight! And reclaim my ass...


After any suggestions really because I feel like I’ve tried everything, like literally everything :( i was quite unwell a few years back and lost an excessive amount of weight which I now cannot put back on. Also after so long the desire to eat fades away so I don’t really ever feel hungry but I eat by the clock. I am 5’3 and currently weigh 96lb which looks terrible but has come up from 84lb but this has taken 2 years. My body has been pretty resilient about it all and I have never lost my period but I know there still has to be so much unneeded stress happening. I worry also that if somehow I got pregnant tomorrow would I have enough to give to make a healthy baby.

I know that my body is working in hyperdrive fixing everything so that complicated things somewhat. But I see all sorts of specialists, I’m doing all the ‘right’ things but there has to be something more

Thanks :)