Early period or implantation bleeding?

ok so I've been battling a candida yeast infection for the last three months because my doctor had me on antibiotics (amoxicillin and penicillin) at 2,000 mg a day due to a ear infection and gum infection from abcess tooth. well on the fourth I woke up to burning and pee in my blood so I went in and got it checked out and my urine test came back contaminated cause I guess I did it wrong and instead of retrying they just gave me a higher dosage of the yeast infection med. later that day the bleeding was coming vaginal and from my urthra. but like the vaginal bleeding was really faint tell closer to bed time it got really heavy and dark and i let it go figuring I got my period ten days early which is super abnormal for me. but when I woke up the next day it was really faint again and like a redish pink. had my coworker drive me to the er cause it hurt so bad and even tho I had to pee I couldn't. finally last night my UTI was so bad it urthra swelled shut and I couldn't pee but blood kept dripping out and it turned into a thick bloody like discharge with like a milky white in it? I'm pretty sure it came from my urthra but possible it was the vag. so I went in and turns out they were trying to treat a yeast infection I didn't even have which made the one I had much worse with multiple different bacteria overgrowth and an acute cystitis with hematuria, and I was put on the right meds starting at the hospital last night. when I woke up this am the amount of blood I was having vaginally doubled and is a dark red with kinda a slimy discharge look to it. I had sex three days ago on the third with my bf unprotected because I thought my infection was gone but only the side effects where. the hospital ran a pregnancy test on the forth and it came back negative but I have also unusual cramping in my left lower abdomen. any advice on what I should do or is it just my period ten days early? I asked at the hospital and they said t could be early period but because it's so light and uncommon for me it could've been bleeding from the severty of my yeast infection. update back to the light pinkish red mucas blood