Need help !


So ive never had the best life never felt worthy or wanted I’ve tried to take my life so many times if I told you about them you would be tired. I hated my self my mom made me more insecure than the kids in the schools even though got a job in high school just to take care of her. I paid the rent the lights the cable the water and still gave her money no the side so she could get her hair done every time she said she was tired of it . I was getting a disability check that should have helped but it was in her name and she did what she please with it .

Every weekend I brought her new clothes I paid for her pills I paid and went to all her doctor appointments got us back and forward all the time. You would think I was the only child but no I’m the baby of 9 kids my mom has 5 my dad has 4 you would think scene the House was like a revolving door that they would help but they still left it to me. I even took care of my nieces and nephews babysitting when ever they needed help they even stop asking . I had no childhood I was a parent to people I didn’t birth cooking cleaning never going out .

But through the dark I found sun he is the sweetest person he saw me when I couldn’t he helped me to want to live he loved me when I didn’t even love my self and he proposed.

( Not the original pic he propose on the beach)

He actually wanted me and not wanted what I could do for him . My mom was upset even though he asked my dad for my had long before. She made it about her I was tied of it I wanted one day to be about me and we got married with just us and 4 other members of our church. She still to this day doesn’t know we are married! Now that she is sick I don’t know how to tell her . I don’t want to make her end up going to the hospital because of what I did it’s been 2 Years I haven’t told a sole until now . I want your help tell me what I should do help give me courage please !