Advice please!

MamaBear🐻🌼 • 26, Mom of two-proud Navy Wife & SAHM

My 5 year old doesn’t have much of a bond with my husband, it’s hard! Im a sahm of my 1 and 5 yr old and always have been..

Like most kids my kids prefer me, but it’s so extreme with my daughter, she will melt down if he has to put her to bed, or give a bath.. she refuses his help on ANYTHING, like the smallest things! It’s frustrating when I’m just not available! he understands and isn’t necessarily hurt by it, it’s the way kids are! But at the same time it does hurt his feelings a little, and i wish they had a better bond.

I NEED her to learn to let go a little this normal? Any advice? Should I not be so tough on her (I force her to let him help because I need her to learn but I don’t want it to feel like daddy is a punishment and make it worse you know) I don’t know what’s right!

We are very busy like most people but I’m thinking of making my husband squeeze in time to have a daddy daughter date once a week, so they can bond! My daughter flips out when things aren’t done like mommy does it, but she needs to learn to let others help... I’m with my kids 100% of the time and I think some time away from me would be good for my daughter...and me! Makes me sad when I see daddy’s girls because mine doesn’t have that, she never wants to snuggle or climb in his lap, and he’s a great loving dad!