Alone On the journey

You ever feel like you’re alone through your fertility journey? Like your partner doesn’t even care? That’s how I feel most times, I’ve been to every doc appointment alone, and never once heard a word of appreciation. Im ttc because my partner wants a child yet I’m alone in the process, and talking doesn’t help, all I get is excuses after excuses but nothing changes. I feel like my partner’s personal assistant because all I do is pick up after him, take care of all his business, solve his problem plus mine but never once heard thank you. He doesn’t do anything for my birthdays, nothing for Mother’s Day or any other day for that matter, and if he does buy me flowers it’s because I ask....I was at the hospital by myself when I had my surgery a friend took me home, every procedure I’ve done I was alone and I constantly lie for him when my friends ask if he’ll be there with me...I’d say yes but really he isn’t going to why do I stay, he isn’t abusive , he pays his portion of the bills, he doesn’t cheat, and well we’ve been married for 7 years.

Am I selfish for wanting him to be there for me, and make me feel appreciated? Infertility is hard on its own, but I feel it’s even harder when you have no support....