I am in emotional agony


So I’ve posted before on here, however I didn’t tell the full story. So I’m 9 weeks pregnant now and boy have I had a lot to deal with up until this point. My bf and I have been together the past two years. He moved into my place along with my 11 year old daughter. Things have been rocky to say the least. He cane over from Ireland and so didn’t have a job straight away. I was working full time and paying all the bills so was a bit of a struggle. He finally found Work after 7 months and then I had a miscarriage. I had to give up work due to depression and then I had another miscarriage. My partner and I argued so much and sometimes he would be very aggressive. I also found him sexting women on online chat rooms. For a long long time. Including through the miscarriages. Since all this I have been asked to leave my property as the landlord has to sell. Now I’m living at my mums and he is still at my rented property. I still see him and we’re trying to work things out. However I feel really depressed and upset because I don’t know what he is up to. And I feel all vulnerable and emotional about it all because I’m pregnant. I wish I could just say F off and be done with it. But I just can’t. I need some strength from somewhere because I feel on my own and like I’m going mental!