Encouragement and tips please!

I am currently 11 weeks pregnant.. and during those short 11 weeks I have grown up a lot. Being a young mom is going to be hard but I will do anything for this baby. Since I found out I was pregnant I have applied for higher paying job.. no longer staying at the daycare that pays me $8 an hour just for the kids.. now I am going to be working nights for $14 an hour until I can’t work anymore. I have applied for colleges and have been accepted.. this is where my main concern is.. as soon as I have the baby I feel like it’s going to be hard to juggle the baby and it’s needs along with making it through college. Has anyone here made it through college while working and having a baby on top of it all? Any words of encouragement or tips will help a lot! I’m just kinda stressing right now. I am also so tired of hearing “well you know you and the baby’s father might not stay together you two are young” like I know that that is a huge possibility BUT that’s not a bridge that needs to be crossed right now.. but if anyone has any stories or anything about being a young couple please feel free to share them as well 😊 thank you so much everyone!